Bach, J. S.: Harpsichord Concerto in D-major, BWV 1054 (acc, strings, continuo) 17′
Bach, J. S.: Harpsichord Concerto in A-major, BWV 1055 (acc, strings, continuo) 13′
Bach, J. S.: Harpsichord Concerto in g-minor, BWV 1058 (acc, strings, continuo) 14′
Gubaidulina, Sofia: Sieben Worte (acc, vlc and strings) 35′
Gubaidulina, Sofia: Fachwerk (acc, perc and strings) 36′
Hind, Rolf: The Tiniest House of Time, (acc and orchestra) 32′
Jørgensen, Klaus Ib: Temperature (acc and sinfonietta) 16′
Kancheli, Giya: Kapóte (acc, perc, bass gtr and strings) 32′
Nordheim, Arne: Spur (acc and orchestra) 24′
Piazzolla, Astor: Concierto para Bandonéon y Orchestra (acc and strings+perc+harp+pno) 20′
Ratkje, Maja S. K.: Aeolian (acc, sinfonietta and installation) 28′
Schmidt, Ole: Symphonic Fantasy and Allegro (acc and orchestra) 15′
Sørensen, Bent: It is Pain Flowing Down Slowly on a White Wall (acc and strings) 20′
Österling, Fredrik: Endymion – the sad (yet instructive) tale of a moonstruck young man (acc and orchestra or sinfonietta) 25′